1:1 UnderDog Coaching

You imagined it differently. Your dog, your friend and partner. And now? Your dog doesn't seem to notice you at all, except when he's hungry. Otherwise, you're just the annoying attachment at the other end of the leash. 


You do what you can for your dog. But you feel like you're going in circles. You're not getting anywhere. Uncertainty and frustration overshadow your relationship. You start to doubt your abilities.

➡️ Does your dog pull on the leash? 

➡️ Does your dog bark constantly? 

➡️ Does your dog ignore you? 

➡️Does your dog do whatever he wants?

✅ Do you want to know what your dog is thinking? 

✅ Do you want to understand your dog better? 

✅ Do you want to improve communication with your dog? 

✅ Do you want to get rid of unwanted behavior problems forever?


This can be different.


Have you ever asked your dog what he needs?

In my program, you will learn to understand and support your dog specifically through listening, communication skills, body language, cooperation, and intuition.

If you want to know what your dog needs, you have to ask him and listen to him.

Instead of suppressing your dog with yet another method. We tend to find simple solutions quickly and often work with pressure, fear, and violence. Trust is lost in the process.

Your dog is your companion, loyal and faithful. If your dog still behaves differently, there is often a deeper message. Your dog mirrors you; he wants to tell you something.

You get the dog you need, not the dog you wish for. Our animals come to us with a soul message, with a task.

If we decipher and accept this message, we can grow from it and develop personally.

We overcome blockages and unfold our personality. Our dog is the ideal companion on this journey.

Your dog teaches you to bring body, mind, and soul into balance and harmony. The basis for intuitive and confident interaction with yourself and your environment.

You take the lead and responsibility for yourself and your dog. Your dog feels safe, secure, and understood. Behavioral problems almost dissolve automatically, and your dog only has eyes and ears for you.

I start with intuitive animal communication. 

This means I have a telepathic conversation with your animal. Here we can specifically address your personal questions and problems. All I need is a current picture, name, gender, and age of your dog. This is the basis for understanding your pet's behavior.

If you decide to continue working together to implement the solutions to your issues, we will deal with the very practical and everyday topics. This includes the dog's body language as well as communication, handling challenges in everyday life, and targeted support. We listen to your dog, build trust, and create a strong relationship through cooperation. Because in the end, only what we actually implement counts.


The UnderDogTraining

  • Part 1: intuitive animal communication.
  • Part 2: recognizing and understanding issues
  • Part 3: finding and implementing solutions

I offer animal communication as a standalone service.

Then you have the option to book animal communication  with a 1:1 coaching session. In this individual session, we will look closely at where your issues lie and what solutions are possible.

The third option is a 30-day mentoring. We start again with animal communication. Then I accompany you and your dog for 30 days. Included are: 

  1. daily task 
  2. daily exchange via messenger 
  3. 4 Zoom calls

I will support you with advice, training and education tips to become the female pack-leader your dog desires.

Fear, aggression, destroying, anxiety, lead-training, recall... whatever you want to understand and change in your relationship, I am here to support you. For a strong bond and a confident relationship with your dog.

You can choose 1 session or 30 days support:


  1. animal communication: 80 €
  2. 1:1 coaching, incl. animal communication: via zoom - 260,00 €
  3. 30 days support, incl. animal communication, 4 zoom sessions and daily support via messenger - 720,00 €


• Click the button I want that! and book your first 20 min zoom session where I will answer all your questions. 
• Choose between 1 session or a 30 day support and book your online coaching.
• Become the person your dog loves and together you will be the dream team you desire.

If you just want an animal communication with your pet send me an email.


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info (@) equilibreanimal.fr