Opinions de mes clients

Merci pour votre confiance • Thank you for your trust

Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelque-uns des témoignages des clients qui nous ont fait confiance:

2 1/2 years ago Maya came to me - a then 1-year-old street dog from Romania. She seems to have had bad experiences with both people and other dogs because she clearly shows her fear. Also that she has never been able to run away and only knows confrontation. 

So often I didn't understand what Maya actually wanted to tell me or what she needed.

Reija, you have helped me so often, thank you!

We are now a good team, we can go for a relaxed walk together and she is always there at work.

Our communication has become much clearer and I can show her again and again that she doesn't have to solve situations, that I do it and that she can trust me to take care of her.

She doesn't have to do anything. I've learned that the wishes of all the other people out there who find Maya oh-so-cute aren't our problem. 

Maya doesn't need to be petted and gets along with every dog. And now I really appreciate her clear communication.


Thank you Reija for helping us!

Now I understand Maya much better and can communicate more clearly myself, so that she also understands me correctly and I can increasingly ensure that she feels safe and can develop fully.


Maya & Jacqueline

I met Reija during my Trust Technique Practitioner training. At this point I had already fallen madly in love with a greyhound from Romania. Since I already had two cats, I wasn't sure if this would all work. First dog without backup. Reija offered me to do animal communication. After I knew that it was a change for all animals, but that no one had anything against it, I embarked on the adventure of my life. ? When Grigore was finally with me, I had a lot of fears. Can I do it, how does it work again, does he like me, etc... Luckily I had Reija. She gave me great support in the first few weeks, for which I am very grateful. We two scaredy-cats have become a great team that mindfully explores the world together.

Sandra & Grigore

Equilibre Animal est un sanctuaire extraordinaire pour tous les chiens qui ont subis de lourds traumatismes. Reija a un don incroyable pour communiquer toujours avec respect et bienveillance avec tous ses petits protégés. Avec douceur, sans jamais les brusquer en y mettant le temps qu'il faut, Reija répare les taumatismes et panse leurs blessures psychiques. Grâce a leur bienfaitrice les animaux retrouvent l'espoir d'être adoptés et de pouvoir  enfin avoir une vraie famille... ❤️


C'est une grande chose, les animaux ne souffrent pas, le traitement est très efficace et à la fin les animaux ont une vie meilleure et plus digne.


Nous avons eu la chance extraordinaire de rencontrer Raiponce vendredi ! Reija nous a autorisé à entrer "chez Raiponce" avec Molly. C'était une expérience inédite ... les soeurs ne se sont pas reconnues, mais il n'y a eu aucune agressivité entre elles, ni envers nous d'ailleurs. Effectivement, elle ne pouvait pas mieux tomber, Reija respecte ses animaux. Alors oui, il y a encore du travail, il va falloir du temps, beaucoup de temps, mais Raiponce est loin d'être la chienne décrite par sa 1ère famille adoptive, si on la laisse tranquille, évoluer à son rythme, elle ira plutôt se cacher que chercher à mordre...

En tout cas, elle est très belle et Reija est une personne exceptionnelle !!!


 As a new horse owner I found the course with Reija very helpful.  I now feel I have the foundations of an approach that enables me and the horses to communicate better.

Linda & Smokey


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